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The Ugly Truth your Toothbrush

Saturday 22 November 2014

When it comes to oral health, your toothbrush is the foundation for it. It is not just about keeping your breath fresh and minty and your smile dazzling. You might not realize it , but your oral health is as important as your physical health and negligence in your oral health might actually lead to your physical health to deteriorate.

Brace yourself for some really ugly truth about your toothbrush; things have had no idea about previously. Did you know researchers have found out that as many as 10 million germs and bacteria can be loaded onto a single toothbrush? If truth be told, some recent researches even suggest that your toothbrush might even be a breeding ground of some microorganism. The warning out usually depends on the person using it rather than the brush it self. Braces and a heavy hand/ rough brushing wear out the bristles faster. Worn out bristles are obviously less effective when cleaning and might even be damaging your gums. A new brush is 30% more effective in cleaning your teeth. Keep your toothbrush as far away from your toilet as you can because when you flush your toilet. A spray of bacteria is released into the air, and you don’t want your toothbrush anywhere close to it. Also shut down the lid of the toilet before flushing to ensure your toothbrush stay clean.
If Anyone in your home falls sick, make sure to throw their brush and anyone else whose brush has been contact with them or their brush, to prevent / virus any further.

Avoid using a toothbrush cover or protector since they can create a moist enclosed breeding ground for bacteria .If you do want to use a cover with holes in it to ensure ventilation and prevent mould. Getting a new toothbrush does not cost much. So when ordering a burger or coffee at your favorite fast food joint, think again and spend that money on a new toothbrush instead .your good health is worth at least sacrificing your favorite burger over.

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